Cassim, Farouk [et al.] Contemporary Company Law. - 3rd ed. – Juta 2022.
ISBN: 9781485138624
Summary provided by the publisher:
“Contemporary Company Law has quickly established itself as a leading resource on South African company law for legal practitioners, company law specialists and academics. It has been increasingly relied on and referred to with approval by the High Courts, the Supreme Court of Appeal and the Constitutional Court. Contemporary Company Law is a comprehensive and advanced company law text. It is much more than a mere narrative of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 or of the decisions of the courts. Its approach is to expound, explain, or clarify the legal principles and statutory provisions. In writing this third edition, apart from updating the text to incorporate the extensive development of many of the provisions of the Companies Act and the leading cases on the subject, the rapid globalisation of company law has also been taken into account. This edition contains updated discussions on those foreign jurisdictions that have exerted a strong influence on moulding the Companies Act of 2008, such as US, English, Australian, Canadian and New Zealand law. The increased complexity of company law makes Contemporary Company Law even more useful for busy legal practitioners and judges seeking a ready and reliable insight into a particular aspect of company law.”
Table of Contents:
Introduction to the new Companies Act:
General overview of the Act
The legal concept of a company
Types of companies
Formation of companies and the company constitution
Corporate capacity, agency and the Turquand Rule
Groups of companies and related persons
Shares, securities and transfer
Corporate finance
Governance and shareholders
Governance and the board of directors
Corporate governance
The duties and the liability of directors
The auditor, financial records and reporting
Public offerings of company securities
Fundamental transactions, takeovers and offers
Shareholder remedies and minority protection
Enforcement and regulatory agencies
Business rescue and compromises
Insider trading and market manipulation
Transitional arrangements
Price: R1,633.00 (print) excluding delivery, including VAT.
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Date posted: 26 January 2022
Updated: 16 July 2024