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Attorney Alert Issue 44: 6 November 2023
This week’s edition refers to judgments reported in the October 2023 edition of the South African Law Reports and several unreported decisions from the High Courts, Companies Tribunal, Competition Tribunal, Supreme Court of Appeal and Constitutional Court such as:
Du Toit v Human NO and Others (3063/2023) [2023] ZAWCHC 270 (2 November 2023)
Ex parte Minister of Home Affairs and Others; In re Lawyers for Human Rights v Minister of Home Affairs and Others (CCT 38/16) [2023] ZACC 34 (30 October 2023)
Knoop NO and Others v National Director of Public Prosecutions (657/2022; 694/2022) [2023] ZASCA 141 (30 October 2023)
Moloto v Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (1176/2019) [2023] ZASCA 140 (27 October 2023)
Also included are journal articles from the latest editions of De Rebus, Journal for Inclusive Public Policy and Law, Democracy and Development such as:
Newaj, Kamalesh. Limitations on the rights of migrant workers: Is a compliant and consistent approach being followed? – 2023 (27) Law, Democracy and Development p304
Sishi, Senamile and Nzimande, Nosiphiwo. Pacta sunt servanda is not a holy cow that can never be slaughtered. [Ndebele and Another v Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa and Others (21687/2021) [2023] ZAGPJHC 822 (25 July 2023)] – 2023 Nov De Rebus p29
Sithole, Nondumiso. Coalitions in South African local municipalities: Is the Constitution enabling democracy or not? – 2023 3(2) Journal for Inclusive Public Policy p52
This edition also refers to the following new Parliamentary Bills:
Other highlights include the:
Local Government: Municipal Structures Second Amendment Bill, 2023 (GN4030 GG 49603 p23 3Nov2023) which was gazetted for comments and the;
Discussion Paper on the Development of a Framework for the Regulation and Supervision of Financial Benchmarks published by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority for comments by 14 December 2023.
For highlights from the month of October, click here.
Employment and Labour Law Alert: 6 November 2023
This week’s edition includes references to articles from the latest editions of De Rebus, Industrial Law Journal and Law, Democracy and Development such as:
Basson, Yvette. Multiple discrimination experienced by women with disabilities in the workplace in South Africa. – 2023 (27) Law, Democracy and Development p214
Daniels, Reynaud and Phillips, Jeremy. The deception of polygraph testing — As a test for deception. – 2023 44(10) Industrial Law Journal p2139
Phungula, Simphiwe P. Breathalyser and laboratory blood samples as evidence for dismissal: A critical analysis of Samancor Chrome Ltd (Western Chrome Mines) v Willemse & others (2023) 44 ILJ 2013 (LC). – 2023 44(10) Industrial Law Journal p2151
Mather, Nadine. Employment law update – The scourge of misrepresenting qualifications; Bad advice not a basis to set aside an agreement. – 2023 Nov De Rebus p34
The following gazette notice is included: Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995: Furniture Bargaining Council: Extension to Non-Parties of the Main Collective Amending Agreement. – RGN4026 GG 49596 p13 3Nov2023
Other highlights include Labour Court decisions such as Emlink and 4 Others v Matthee and 2 Others (103550/2023) [2023] ZAGPJHC (01 November 2023).
For highlights from the month of October, click here.
Insurance Law Alert: 7 November 2023
Tuesday’s edition contains a reference to the following business interruption case:
The latest Financial Services Tribunal decisions are also included:
For highlights from the month of October, click here.
Health Law Alert: 8 November 2023
This week’s edition includes information on issues such as:
Matthew Lani and the growing problem of fake doctors on social media;
the effect of the conflict on the health system in the Gaza Strip;
the High Court in Mautla and Others v Road Accident Fund and Others declaring reg 7(1) of the Road Accident Fund Regulations unconstitutional and invalid to the extent that it confers upon the RAF the right to amend or substitute the RAF1 Form;
the plans to eliminate medical aid tax credits in order to help fund the NHI.
For highlights from the month of October, click here.
Energy Law Alert: 9 November 2023
This week’s edition includes information on issues such as:
opposition by activists to TotalEnergies’ offshore drilling;
reactions to Eskom's latest research on air pollution;
the Competition Commission's recommendation that the Competition Tribunal approve the proposed transaction between Vitol and Engen;
the deployment of the SANDF to combat illegal mining and safeguard power stations.
The following judgment is also included:
For highlights from the month of October, click here.
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Published: 10 November 2023