Burns, Y. and Burger-Smidt, Ahmore. Protection of Personal Information: Law and Practice. – 2nd ed. – LexisNexis, 2023.
ISBN: 9781776320790
The origin of the right to the protection of personal information and structure of the POPIA
The scope, application and interpretation of the POPIA
Foundational concepts and definitions
International and foreign law
Conditions for the lawful processing of personal information
The processing of special personal information
Prior authorisation by the Information Regulator
Exclusions/exemptions and exceptions
Automated and non-automated means of processing profiling/ Big Data and Data Protection Impact Assessments
Security of data processing
The transborder flow of personal information
Codes of conduct
Marketing, direct marketing by means of unsolicited electronic
Communications, directories, automated decision-making and advertising
Employment law and the POPIA
The application of the Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA)
Social media/freedom of expression and the POPIA
The data subject
The responsible party
The Information Regulator
Legislation which impacts on the POPIA
The regulatory enforcement of the POPIA
Offences, penalties, fines and compensatory damages
Profiling, Big Data and Data Protection Impact Assessments.
Price: R920 (hard copy), including VAT, excluding delivery. Price valid until 30 June 2024.
The publication can be ordered from the Lexinfo Book Supply Service by sending an email to books@lexinfo.co.za
Posted: 3 July 2023