Cassim, MF. Understanding the Companies Amendment Act and the Companies Second Amendment Act of 2023 - Juta, 2024.

ISBN: 9781485152774
About this publication:
"Miscellaneous but important and far-reaching amendments have been made to the Companies Act 71 of 2008 (‘the principal Act’) by the Companies Amendment Act of 2023 and the Companies Second Amendment Act of 2023. Understanding the Companies Amendment Acts of 2023 systematically discusses and explains in plain language the impact of the two Amendment Acts on both the principal Act and the broader principles of company law generally. This book provides a comprehensive yet simplified treatment of the Amendment Acts. Legal doctrines and principles are explained in a lucid and coherent way and stated, wherever possible, in simple terms. This book is intended for company law specialists, legal practitioners and legal advisors, and is also a useful resource for other professional persons such as auditors, accountants, company secretaries and directors of companies. Law, commerce and accounting students seeking an overview of the many miscellaneous provisions of the Companies Amendment Acts will also find this book useful for its analytical approach."
Price: R 290.00 (VAT included, delivery excluded).
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Posted: 8 July 2024