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Nhlapo, Thandabantu and Himonga, Chuma (eds.) African Customary Law in South Africa: Post-Apartheid and Living Law Perspectives. – 2nd ed. – Oxford University Press, 2024.


ISBN: 9780190748487


Contents: Historical overview of customary law

– The nature and concept of customary law

– Legal pluralism

– Ascertainment and proof of customary law

– Internal conflict of laws

– Reforming South African law by amalgamating customary and common law

– Marriage

– Consequences of marriage

– Dissolution of marriage

– The customary law of succession – Contractual obligations in customary law

– Customary law of delict

– Criminal law

– Traditional leadership institutions

– Traditional courts

– Customary land rights.

African Customary Law in South Africa: Post-Apartheid and Living Law Perspective

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