Naudé, BC and Terblanche, SS. The Law of Evidence = Die Bewysreg. – 5th ed. – Juta, 2017.
ISBN: 9781485119562
About this publication:
“The law of evidence is vital to each legal practitioner and forms part of the curriculum of every South African law qualification. It is compulsory even for some degrees not strictly confined to legal practice, such as certain police and related qualifications. However, law of evidence is not considered an easy subject, especially not for persons who have never been inside a court of law.
In this work, academics with practical experience of the criminal justice system have selected a number of decided cases as well as statutes relevant to the law of evidence. Illuminating commentary is provided, which should assist any student of the discipline to get to the core of these texts. Due attention has also been paid to the constitutional aspects of the law of evidence.”
- Part 1: Admissibility of evidence / Deel 1: Toelaatbaarheid van Getuienis
- Part 2: The Presentation of Evidence / Deel 2: Die Aanbieding van Getuienis
- Part 3: The Assessment of Evidence / Deel 3: Die Beoordeling van Getuienis
- Part 4: Statutes / Deel 4: Wetgewing