Moodley, Keymanthri (ed.) Bioethics, Medical Law, and Human Rights. – 3rd ed. – Van Schaik Publishers, 2023.
ISBN: 9780627041310
A place for ethics, law, and human rights in healthcare
Ethics and philosophy
Ethics theories and the principlist approach in bioethics
African philosophy and medical ethics
Respect for patient autonomy
Human rights: the relevance for South African health professionals
Law and the health professional in South Africa
Resolving ethical dilemmas: an
Ethics in mental healthcare
HIV in South Africa: ethical considerations
Reproductive ethics
Ethics at the end of life
Organ transplantation ethics and law
Pandemic ethics
Digital technologies and artificial intelligence in healthcare: ethical challenges
Research ethics and scientific integrity
Genetics, genomics, and ethical
New and emerging biotechnologies in healthcare in the 21st century
The impact of climate change on health: ethical consideration.
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Posted: 27 February 2023
Updated: 25 June 2024