The Law Practice Management Alert keep subscribers up to date with topical business and management issues relevant to the legal industry. Topics covered include artificial intelligence, business development, client relationships, climate change, culture, diversity, the future of law, human resources, hybrid working, knowledge management, leadership, legal design, legal operations, management, marketing, technology, wellbeing and work-life balance.
View our reading list on legal Skills and Professional Development for a wide range of resources on the subject.
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#affidavits #civility #competencechecks #confidence #drafting #writing #experience #futureoflaw #intentionality #mindfulness #presentation #professionality #questioning
#technology #trialadvocacy #yoga #lawpracticemanagement #legalprofessionals #upskill #skills #legalskills #professionaldevelopment #legalprofession

Top image: Wix
Above image: Daniélle Geldenhuys
Date posted: 19 October 2022
Updated: 22 November 2022