Seedat, Saleem. Labour law: an introduction. – Juta, 2022.
ISBN: 9781485139270
About this publication : “How may an employer effect a dismissal that does not fall foul of the law? What is an unfair labour practice? How and when does an employer discipline an employee? How do you formulate charges? How do you prepare for an arbitration?
The answers to these and other questions can be found in this book, which aims to alert both employers and employees of their respective rights and how these rights can be enforced and protected.
This book is not an arid reflection on labour law. It is an attempt to initiate a sound understanding of the basic principles of labour law and to instil a practical approach to work-related issues. Any person, whether an employer or employee, who needs to understand labour issues without being burdened by esoteric legal principles will find this book helpful.”
Introduction to labour relations
Discipline and dismissals in the workplace
Temporary employees
Unfair labour practices
Dismissals for operational reasons
Transfer of a business
Collective bargaining
Disciplinary action in the workplace
Formulation of charges
Disciplinary hearings
Dispute resolution
Preparing for a hearing
Techniques in the conduct of a hearing
Price: R 472.00 including VAT, excluding delivery.
The publication can be ordered from the Lexinfo Book Supply Service by sending an email to books@lexinfo.co.za
Posted: 13 November 2022
Updated: 8 January 2024